This page will be used to remember those individuals who were noted members of the church and have now passed to spirit. 

In Memory 

Carol Young

"In loving memory, darling Carol I can't wait to join you, all my love your devoted husband and friend, Jim."

Joyce Fry

"Former President" From Joan Mayoh.

George Sherwin

"Served this church as a medium many times. A true and lovely gentleman who will be missed at this church. Now with his beloved Joan in the Summerland."

From Marie Fahy

Barbara Harrison

"Barbara worked tirelessly for our church in many posts, lastly as Healing Leader. We owe her so much."

From Marie Fahy

Barbara Harrison

"May Spirit bless and keep you. Thank you for all you did for our church."

From Marie


Carol Young

A firm supporter of the church during Joyce Fry's Presidency and a staunch worker for spirit. Alongside her husband Jim, she was one half of a partnership dedicated to the service of those who entered the church seeking spiritual guidance and a way forward with their lives.

Submitted by:
Kathleen and Jonathan Francis

In Memory of Anne Martin 

"Anne was a dedicated Healer she worked tirelessly for Spirit in keeping the Centre open, working with Joyce Fry during major refurbishments .

Thank you Anne for all your work for spirit

In Loving Memory from all Anne,s Family and Friends"



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